Trade Policy

Last modified 24. December 2018, 01:13 | Page exists since 24. June 2012, 23:47

How does your offer score?

For regular trades, I prioritise offers I get as follows:

  1. Offers that match what I am asking for. That means that if I’m asking for caveblockers and I have a caveblocker and a rare offer, I will favour the caveblocker, not the rare.
  2. Items from my wishlist
  3. Things I know are valuable enough to trade for something else on my wishlist (such as CB pinks), e.g. most unbreedables.
  4. Sprites I love
  5. Sprites I like a lot
  6. Sprites I like

For League trades, I use a rough scoring system.

So now that I’ve offered on your trade…

Sometimes I go through the trade section and offer what I call ‘back-up trades’ on ‘hatchling didn’t gender right’s or ‘got the wrong type of nebula’s, etc; ungendered hatchlings or eggs.

Please don’t take offence to this, I don’t do it chiefly because I want your hatchling, I do it because the gender/type of mine doesn’t matter to me and I know how difficult life can be trying to get the other gender/type. In other words:

I don’t expect you to accept my offer except as a fall-back. A fall-back is all it’s for.


As a cold-hearted, evil anarcho-capitalist, I don’t believe in gifts. ;) That means: If you gift me something, expect to get something in return.

It’s really important to me that my subjective debt is repaid (even if you feel I owe you nothing) – so please don’t forbid it. If you really want to dissuade me from getting you something insane in return, the best way you can do so is by requesting a couple of caveblocker hatchlings. :) I’ll accept that and happily run that errand.

Neike Taika-Tessaro

